I have to agree with Lynette. Good solution as well ...change only one thing at 
a time. 
We occasionally have the same problem and the BM clots are the only tissues in 
the entire batch to fall off (It is usually the blood in the center of the 
section, the rim stays attached, which is the clue that it is not well 
This usually happens when the pathologist submits a thick clot in a cassette.
This is what we find helps when it does occur:
Trim, then soak in ice water bath for about 10 mins.
Cut one ribbon at 4 microns, pick up sections on + charged slides (If you cut 
another ribbon before soaking, these will be the sections that will tend to 
fall off).
Trim to desired level and soak again, repeat above.
You are right, it is important to drain slides well. In addition, we place 
slides in front of a fan for 10 mins before placing them in the 65-70 degree 
oven for an additional 20 mins. Cool slides and stain.
(We find that the soaking really helps with sections staying on the slide).
Good Luck
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