Hi All,
  My husband and I will be moving from California to the east coast this
late summer/early fall for his work.....exciting but, a little scary!  I
have started browsing possible histotech jobs available in either NY, CT
or NJ but, its a rather daunting task when you're not familiar with the
area or the labs out there!  And to add to the stress I am also
currently studying for my HT certification which I will be taking in
august....which I will hopefully pass so that I may have a little more
luck job searching!  Does anyone have any advice for me as to where I
could look into or know of any possibilities out there?
Thanks for any advice you may have.
Jennifer Campbell 
VDx Veterinary Diagnostics
Davis, CA
phone: (530) 753-4285
fax: (530) 753-4286
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