Do you want to sell your old Autotechnicon ?


I'll buy any mono or duo Autotechnicon .
> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 08:56:02 -0700
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] Autotechnicon?
> My God Tom, I haven't used an Autotechnicon or Ultra-Autotechnico=
> since 1979! Was it an Mono or a Duo, or the old black spider? =m
> sure you know what I mean Tom, 1 or 2 levels. I guess ='s better
> than working in China, reusing their stained slides by sca=ng off
> the tissue.
> Akemi Allison BS, HT (ASCP) HTL
> Manager, Anatomical Pathology
> Western Pathology Associates
> Tele: 602.633.3800 X 306
> Fax: 602.861.3500
> Cell: 408.335.9994
> E-Mail: [1]
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re:=istonet] Autotechnicon?
> From: Victor Tobias <[2]>
> Da=: Tue, May 25, 2010 12:22 pm
> To: [3]
> Bob,
> It= time for you to find a new agent, to get some more modern
> assignments.
> Victor
> Victor Tobias
> Clinical Applications Analyst
> Unive=ity of Washington Medical Center
> Dept of Pathology Room BB220
> 1959 = Pacific
> Seattle, WA 98195
> [4]
> 206-598-2792
> 206-598-7e9 Fax
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> On 5/25/2010 11=6 AM, Robert Richmond wrote:
> > A recruiter, Melissa Ribeiro Passos,=tes that
> >
> >
> >>> Brine Group is currently recru=ing around a day
> Histotechnologist position at a hospital-based clinical =b in
> southeastern Connecticut.<< Duties would include
> >>&g=
> >
> >>> Loading surgical specimens in Autotechnicon an=etting/checking
> time setting.<<
> >>>
> > Are they �tually using an ancient Technicon processor, or is this
> > just loca=ab jargon for a tissue processor?
> >
> > Reason I ask is, I'm c=rently working in a lab that's using a
> 1964
> > Technicon, for proces=ng and staining. No vacuum anywhere. It's
> > obvious from looking at=e slides that temperature control is
> > inadequate, and the stainin=s quite capricious.
> >
> > Bob Richmond
> > Samurai Patholo=st
> > Knoxville TN
> >
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