I have been trying to get the Mach 1 polymer kit from Biocare to work on my K9 
and feline tissue and I am getting terrible nonspecific staining in my positive 
and negative controls.  It appears to be sticking to something in the glands of 
the intestinal epithelia.  I am also getting nonspecific staining in my LN 
I decided to switch over to polymer detection kit because I had been dealing 
with the issue of endogenous biotin when using the streptavidin biotin-based 
detection system, and now I am getting this other nonspecific staining!
I have tried doing runs eliminating my protein block and eliminating the 
negative control and primary antibody step altogether (to see if maybe the 
protein block or the diluent used in my negative control and antibody dilutions 
are causing the problem).  I have also reduced the incubation time of both the 
probe and polymer from 15 min and 30 min, respectively, to 10 min each.  I have 
tried cutting down my antigen retrieval time substantially as well.
I'm not sure what else could be causing this.  Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance,
Jennifer Campbell
Histonet mailing list

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