You have included all the criteria; fixation, processing, embedding,
microtomy, staining, coverslipping and labeling.  If you were able to
submit slides to CAP under their HQIP program, you would get graded
evaluations.  Short of that, could you perhaps send out duplicate slides
to another local lab, or sister hospital, for peer review? You could
offer to exchange slides on a twice yearly basis, since they, too, may
be looking for additional quality control.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of louise
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 2:25 AM
Subject: [Histonet] QC on stained slides

Hi all

As part of a self assessment programme conducted by my employer, and
to my performance review and salary adjustment,  I need to determine the
criteria of what makes a stained slide acceptable or unacceptable. I was
wondering if anyone out there had a "checklist" that they would be
to share,  that i could perhaps adapt. I realise that the easiest would
to send slides out for external control, but in this case it is not

What I put together is  this:

   - Quality of decalcification, processing, infiltration
   - Quality of sections (no wrinkles, missing bits, scores etc)
   - Entire representation of tissue area
   - staining  pattern as expected according to protocol
   - coverslipped without bubbles or other inclusions
   - labelled neatly and correctly

but, the question inmy mind is what would be the criteria that would
make a
slide merely adequate or truely outstanding?

PLease help

thank you

Louise Renton
Bone Research Unit
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa
+27 11 717 2298 (tel & fax)
073 5574456 (emergencies only)
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