Hello all,

I have a request to carry out a combined staining with H&E + Alcian Blue pH2.5. 
   I have tried in vain to get this to work but regardless of the order of 
staining the end result is dark blue/purple mucin.  I have carried out a 
parallel experiment whereby the staining has been checked microscopically then 
stopped after each of the dyes.   (Thus giving 3 slides stained with:  AB, AB+H 
and AB+H+E)  The AB and AB+H are really nicely stained but as soon as the eosin 
is added (using 2 different stains and a variety of times) the mucin staining 
looks similar to the nuclear stain.  I am expecting the alcian blue to remain 
turquoise: should it?

For information, I am trying to stain salmon intestine at 5 microns for using 
the following:

Alcian Blue 8GX (certified), pH has been checked
Haematoxylin Z (Cellpath Uk)
1% aq Eosin (Cellpath uk) and lab prepared solution from dye.

Thanks from a frustrated technician!

Debbie Faichney
Institute of Aquaculture
University of Stirling

The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, 
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