Hi to all,

I have some troubles with H/E staining of tissues fixed in Bouin's.
In fact it worked very well during my first assays and now my tissue sections are torn and looks like bad. I think that the fixation time was not sufficient (4h for 3mmx2mmx2mm pieces). Thus is it possible to dewax, rehydrate and refix tissue in bouin's before sectioning ? I also have some pieces already sectioned and mounted on slide but not yet dewaxed and stained. Is it also possible to refix these sections or are they definitively lost ?

Thanks to all for your comments and help.


Benoit Loup, PhD
UMR Biologie du Développement et Reproduction
Différenciation des Gonades et Perturbations
INRA – Domaine de Vilvert
Bâtiment Jacques Poly
78350 Jouy en Josas

Tel: 33 1 34 65 25 38
Fax: 33 1 34 65 22 41
E-mail: benoit.l...@jouy.inra.fr

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