in consideration of the status of paraffin blocks...
Assuming you've done a good job in fixing prior to and during processing and 
you don't encounter prion diseases, processed/blocked tissues are inert.  
Theoretically, you could eat them with no adverse issues other than paraffin 
sticking to your teeth.  We've all heard the story of a safety officer trying 
to convince a histology manager that blocks were biohazardous.  The safety 
officer was certain gloves were needed and wasn't allowing any discussion until 
the manager picked up a block,  looked the S.O. in the eye and licked the cut 
surface of the block.  End of discussion.  
Have you considered if you declare these blocks contaminated, the impact for 
discarding them over time?  Cutting would then be a situation creating aerosols 
so you'd need masks and negative pressure on the cutting room. If you call them 
biohazardous, then you also have to discard them as biohazard waste, as well as 
all the fluids and paraffins and extraneous waste involved in processing and 
cutting them.  Storage and transport of blocks, such as to a reference lab, 
would require biohazard tracking....etc.  Do you really want to impact your lab 
this significantly for something that has no documented history of biohazard? 
(Unless you work with prion disease!!) 
Any verified cases of infection or problems out there?  
We do know many people who cut and embed with gloves by choice, not as a 
requirement.  Most of us have decades of experience cutting and handling blocks 
barehanded...why create more work & expense for no documented, proven reason?
Cheryl Kerry, HT(ASCP)
Houston, TX

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