The VWR slides (superfrost catalogue #48311-703) are the only slide that
is validated to be used on the Ventana platforms.  The problem with
these slides is that they are hydrophobic.  They do hold onto the tissue
really well, but when you dip them in a water bath or pipette fluid on
them while they are sitting on the stainer, you will notice that the
fluid pools and does not spread evenly over the entire slide.  This is
causing problems with consistency in staining.  Another site in my area
has had problems with their FISH staining as a result of these slides as
well.  I would like to be able to tell you that Ventana has been able to
provide an alternative for this problem, but I can't. *sigh*

Now, if you're ambitious and have loads of time on your hands (sarcasm
intended!), Surgipath does produce a charged slide that is hydrophilic.
They are called Apex Superior Adhesive Slides.  My rep sent me a couple
of boxes to try, but with our volume of IHC staining and only one
instrument, we just haven't been able to squeeze in a validation study.
If you try to do this, please let me know how you make out!

Good luck!

Randi Hayes
Histology Supervisor
Horizon Health Network - Moncton Zone
Moncton, NB  Canada
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