As a pathologist I have some preferences on how certain tissues are oriented on 
a slide and work with my histotechs so they can learn my prefs. I also like my 
slides in certain orientation in the slide tray. EG, for orientation of skin, I 
like the the dermis at the top when I am looking at the slide. Some other 
tissues can be so oriented, some cannot. We often put multiple levels on one 
slide and I would prefer them to be all oriented similarly and in a straight 

The most annoying thing I see beyond coverslipping the wrong side, is the label 
covering a part of the specimen. I don't care how close to the edge a section 
is as long as it is all on the slide and covered by the cover-slip or mounting 

I have no idea is these preferences are weird. My point is the answer to you 
1st question may depend on your particular pathologists' preferences. 

BIll Blank

At 10:09 PM -0700 2/15/11, Tanya Ewing-Finchem wrote:
>1)  Tissue / Section Placement:  Are there published guidelines / 
>documentation on precisely where you should place tissue sections on a 25mm x 
>75mm glass slide?   Perhaps more importantly, where you should NOT place 
>tissue (ie. ³x² mm from the edge of the glass slide)?

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