You could do that or you could use DAB for one antibody ("brownish" color), 
followed by DAB + Nickel for the other ("bluish" color) and they are both 
permanent and alcohol resistant.
René J.

--- On Tue, 4/12/11, Eva Permaul <> wrote:

From: Eva Permaul <>
Subject: [Histonet] Counterstain for dual chromogenic
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 11:37 AM

Good morning,
I have been attempting to do some dual chromogenic staining. I am using a mouse 
and a rabbit antibody. For the mouse antibody I am using an HRP-mouse secondary 
followed by AEC for visualization. For the rabbit antibody I am using a 
biotinylated rabbit secondary, followed by ABC-AP and vector blue. My problem 
is what to use as a counterstain. From everything I have read so far there 
isn't one that would work without having some problems. I was thinking of 
trying a very light Hematoxylin and see if it doesn't disrupt the vector blue 
visualization too much. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

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