Dear Colleagues,

We are in the process of opening a new lab and are looking for a rapid
processor, preferably non-microwave, and a standard processor for backup. At
present I have been looking into the Thermo STP420 with an Excelsior backup.
My concerns are that I have heard some very negative feedback on the

Can anyone tell me their experiences, good or bad, with both the STP420 and
the Excelsior? If you are using, or have used either one I would greatly
appreciate your thoughts. In addition, we are considering alternatives that
include the Peloris by Leica. It is somewhat more costly at current time and
thus the reason for Thermo STP420 to be in the lead on this one.

Should we use the Excelsior as backup givin its reagent savings, or go with
the VIP 6?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

David Costanzo
Project Manager
BluFrog Path Lab
Histonet mailing list

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