Me too! I am glad you felt well prepared with your program, and they set clear 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Eades <>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 19:52:06 
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Subject: Re: [Histonet] RE: Re:peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical

It seems from these comments that not all schools are created equal.  I just 
graduated from a one-year program in Histotechnology at Clover Park Technical 
College in Lakewood, WA and I can assure you that no one graduated unless they 
1) Understood, and could preform by hand, every step in the histology workflow 
from grossing to coverslipping.  2)  Completed a 300-hour clinical rotation 
with exposure to a variety of automated instruments and the production rate 
expected of a tech working in a clinical lab.  3) Demonstrated a respect for 
the profession and the passion to continue learning.  
I pity the HT candidate who enters the workforce with a less thorough 
preperation for what he's in for! 
-Eric Eades 

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 11:22 AM, joelle weaver < 
<> > wrote:
Yes, that was what I was aluding to. I try to imagine that they just don't 
realize or have any knowledge of this, like me trying to fly a plane, since you 
mentioned pilots. It is better for me to consider it this way than just gettig 
upset or frustrated.  From what I have seen in the education, the perception of 
some adminstrators is that histology is something that is quite simple and 
easily mastered, like "flipping burgers" . But the ones I know have never been 
in a histology lab, which sure didn't help.Maybe we need to educate some of the 
educators? In order to stay positive and forward looking, we can continue to 
try to develop though those that come in if we have the ability in staff, 
resources etc.

Joelle Weaver MAOM, BA, (HTL) ASCP

> From: <> 
> To: 
> <> 
> Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 13:07:21 -0500
> Subject: [Histonet] RE: Re:peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical
> How would the expression, "you need experience to get the job, and you need
> the job to get experience" work if a person went through flight school to be
> a pilot but did not receive any actual flight training but was then allowed
 > to get a job as a pilot flying a commuter plane in charge of peoples lives.
> Maybe actual training is not as big a deal if you are flipping burgers but
> Histology is slightly more important than that. At least I feel it is,
 > obviously the people running some of these "Approved" programs don't think
> so.
> Scary!!
> Thanks,
> Tim
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: < 
> <> >
 > To: < 
 > <> >
> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 12:03 PM
> Subject: Histonet Digest, Vol 93, Issue 47
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. RE: Re:peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical - To stick a
 > Pin (joelle weaver)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 16:41:25 +0000
> From: joelle weaver < 
> <> >
 > Subject: RE: [Histonet] Re:peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical -
> To stick a Pin
> To: < <> >, 
> < <> >, Histonet
 > < 
 > <> >
> Message-ID: <snt135-w330be481e1f2d8610f8613d8...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Yes, the old you need experience to get the job, and you need the job to get
> experience....
> Joelle Weaver MAOM, BA, (HTL) ASCP
> > From: <> 
 > > To: <> ; 
 > > 
 > > <> 
> > Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:31:25 +0100
 > > Subject: RE: [Histonet] Re:peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical - To
> stick a Pin
> > CC:
> >
> > If you do not employ recently trained individuals, how on earth are they
 > going to obtain the experience that Matt craves, it's beyond me. My daughter
> recently qualified as an Occupational Therapist, when she asked for the
> reason that she was unsuccessful in obtaining a post, they said that as a
 > recently graduated student she had no experience, what rubbish!!.Thankfully
> she has now obtained a position under more enlightened management that is to
> be found here!.
> >
> > Cheers
 > >
> > Richard Edwards
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: 
> > <> 
> [ 
> <> ] On Behalf Of Matthew
 > Lunetta
> > Sent: 30 August 2011 18:59
> > To: 
> > <> 
> > Subject: [Histonet] Re:peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical - To stick
 > a Pin
> >
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I found Peggy's comments on why the practical was discontinued to be
> > very interesting. Of late I have had some experience with a new HT that
 > > graduated from a program and passed the current HT exam.
> > So, as they say in Great Britain, to stick a pin in the ASCP reasons.
> >
> > This new fresh and shiny HT has all the book knowledge we needed them to
 > > have. What they did not have was any technical skills.
> > 1) never used a microscope or centrifuge.
> > 2) no special staining experience
> > 3) no embedding experience
> > 4) no cutting experience
 > >
> > When they cut or embed they are no were near the speed, accuracy or
> > quality that is needed in our industry. While they can answer any
> > question you ask them they just do not have the technical skills one
 > > would expect from a new graduate.
> >
> > I have learned several lessons from this experience.
> >
> > 1) I am so very glad I was one of the last HT's to have taken the
 > > practical
> > 2) Any new HT's will be taking a practical if I am involved in the
> > selection process.
> > 3) I will question they quality of any new HT from this particular
> > program
 > >
> > While I am sure that there are many new HT's that do have the skills
> > needed, this one experience has caused me to be more cautious.
> >
> > Respectfully,
> >
 > > Matt Lunetta
> > BS, HT (ASCP)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Message: 2
> > Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:09:46 +0200
> > From: "Gudrun Lang"
 > > Subject: AW: [Histonet] Re: peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical
> > To: "'Bob Richmond'"
> > Cc: 
> > <> 
 > > Message-ID: < 
 > > <> >
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >
 > > Dear Dr. Richmond
> > Here in Austria we have a job open for a pathologist with 5 years
> > experience. ;)
> > Please, think it over to come. Lovely mountains, lovely techs...
> >
 > > It sounds, like you are from that sort of pathologist techs dream of.
> > Gudrun
> >
> >
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: 
> > <> 
 > > [ 
 > > <> ] Im Auftrag von Bob
> > Richmond
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. August 2011 04:43
 > > An: 
 > > <> 
> > Betreff: [Histonet] Re: peggy wenk comments on HT/HTL practical
> >
> > I really appreciate Peggy Wenk's analysis of the practical examination
 > > and why it had to be dropped. I never really understood the issue
> > before.
> >
> > I must confess I always enjoyed helping the prospective examinee
> > obtain exactly the right tissue.
 > >
> > "No, this endometrium is poorly preserved. We'll arrange with surgery
> > for a completely fresh specimen - I'll block it initially for the
> > diagnosis, then we'll fix it overnight and then block it exactly to
 > > specifications. - Ick - this one's been curetted - we'll get another
> > one".
> >
> > "I'll block the margins of this colon resection specimen, then we'll
 > > pin a portion of tissue onto paraffin and fix it flat overnight."
> >
> > "Next time I do an autopsy we'll get a lumbar spinal cord in the
> > intact dura. I'll open the dura dorsally and ventrally with iridectomy
 > > scissors, then we'll hang it in neutral buffered formalin for two
> > days. Then I'll tie the dura and dependent nerves with a cotton
> > string. When you embed you'll remove the string, taking care that dura
 > > and nerves remain in position. After that it's all yours. If it
> > doesn't work the first time, we've got three more levels in the jar."
> >
> > OK, I'm a geek, I'm 72 years old, I got a right.
 > >
> > Bob Richmond
> > Samurai Pathologist
> > Knoxville TN
> >
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