Congratulations Dr. Adam on your recent defense (yay). Thanks for the kind 
words, I have enjoyed emailing with you and discussing bone IHC. We will miss 
you on Histonet and I certainly hope you return to research once you have 
completed your clinical years (if not sooner).

Best, Andrea

From: Adam . <>
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 8:00 PM
Subject: [Histonet] So long, and thanks for all the help

Dear Histonet:

For the past few years, I have been working on my PhD. I realized very early
on in my research that immunostaining of bone would be absolutely necessary
for my project, although the initial attempts in our lab to do that were not
particularly satisfying. I tried talking to various local people, who gave
me some good advice, but it was not until I found HistoNet that I really
began to understand how to attack such a frustrating problem. I began my
project with my PI telling me that staining of bone would be impossible. I
wish I could take credit for proving him wrong, but in reality, I'm showing
him the results I get when I follow all the advice that I read here.

I have found all members of HistoNet so incredibly knowledgeable, patient,
friendly, and funny. It really is amazing that such a great online community
could be gathered, focusing on such a technical field (I've subscribed to
some other forums where people aren't quite as nice). I've thoroughly
enjoyed reading all the discussions ranging from advice on how to decalcify
coral to silly jokes and stories passed around.

In particular I would like to thank two members of this group: Andrea Hooper
and Gayle Callis. They have corresponded with me extensively both on and off
the board and have been incredibly helpful in accomplishing my work. I
honestly do not think my thesis project could have been finished without
their assistance. If we ever physically cross paths, I will totally buy you
two a drink and a meal.

Fortunately (unfortunately?), I have to move on with my life. I am an MD/PhD
student, so in a few days I need to return to the hospital working long
hours, frantically trying to relearn what I forgot years ago. Alas, my
friends tell me I will barely have time to sleep, and certainly not enough
time to read HistoNet. I am thus unsubscribing from the list until I need to
do such staining again, when I am back in research. Can you please
unsubscribe me?

I'm joking. I've read enough of those e-mails to know how to unsubscribe

Anyhow, I would like to reiterate my thanks to the group. You are an amazing
group of people.

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