Hello All,

I'm starting my own lab and am trying to make the best use of my startup 
package. I section rodent brain on a sliding microtome with a dry ice stage (AO 
860) but would like to move to fresh frozen sections mostly for RNA work and 
perhaps laser capture. I'm trying to decide whether it's better to try to use 
one of the many cryostats in the department (not shared, the PIs are willing 
assuming that it doesn't interfere with their needs) or to purchase my own. I 
could get a used unit or perhaps the cheapest new I could find. I'd be more 
interested in the cryojane system since flat brain sections are so problematic. 

I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for my particular application in 
brains? Are there any used cryostats I should look out for or can you suggest a 
good inexpensive new model. Any brands to avoid? Any way to save money on a 
decent system? Is the cryojane really worth it?

Any and all comments are appreciated!



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