Need help with Congo Red for Amyloid problem.  We have been using automated 
staining with Dako's Artisan and recently tried manual procedure with fresh 
reagents from Polyscientific kit with little to no staining on two commercially 
prepared controls and two different patients who have been sent for consult and 
returned with a positive amyloidosis diagnosis( as predicted by my 
pathologist).  I followed procedure furnished by Polyscientific to the "T", cut 
slides at 8 microns, used clean fresh reagents and glassware.  I did notice 
that Polyscientific's order of reagent application was different from old AFIP 
manual of staining instructions and the time in Congo Red a little shorter( 20 
minutes as opposed to 1 hour).  Any suggestions??
Mary F Benoit MT(ASCP)
The Pathology Laboratory
Lake Charles, Louisiana
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