This is a very interesting subject indeed. To start I always take "with a grain 
of salt" whatever a vendor tells me because their opinions may (or may not, but 
just in case) biased to the products they sell. The same thing goes for any 
automobiles salesperson of any automobile make claiming the "wonders" of the 
make they sell compared with other makes.
Now, to the floater. I have also seen pieces of sections on the bottom of 
staining dishes. They are there because they fell-off the stained section. My 
question is: what are the possibilities of that piece of lost stained section 
that fell from its original slide, "re-float" and magically adhere to another 
slide? I really think that the possibilities range from almost none, to none.
Going to the water bath: yes, this is a major source of floaters because a 
piece of a section left in the water bath can be picked up in another slide 
along with a section from another case. That is why it is mandatory to swipe 
the surface of the water bath with  a tissue after each case is cut. The source 
can be defined if we keep a record of the sequence in which the blocks are cut 
(as was standard procedure at my lab).
Whenever we ended with a floater in a section we went immediately to the block 
to determine if the floater came from the block or the water bath.
The other sources, either during description, cassetting or embedding are going 
to end in the block and it is very difficult to determine the origin. The only 
thing to do is to make sure that embedding wells where the forceps rest and 
heat, are thoroughly cleaned when the embedding ends.
But I think that the main thrust of the question deals with floaters coming 
from the staining dishes: as I wrote earlier I give to this source a very slim 
and almost impossible chance.
René J.

--- On Wed, 10/5/11, Janice Mahoney <> wrote:

From: Janice Mahoney <>
Subject: [Histonet] (no subject)
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 8:11 PM

Hello everyone,After being home from the NSH for a few weeks I have been 
pondering an issue that I think bears discussion on the histonet.There have 
been several papers published regarding "floaters" and the amount determined to 
come from traditional staining buckets.  There was also a poster presented at 
the NSH this year on the subject.When I approached several vendors of H&E 
stainers about this issue.  The answers were surprisingly pretty much the 
same.   It is not an issue!  Now I understand how one company can make this 
claim as their stainer uses fresh stain on each slide.  The explanations from 
the other companies were insulting and just plain did not make sense to me.  I 
was told by a Histo tech vendor that "All Histo techs know that floaters come 
from the water bath."  Well, she was talking to a histo tech and I know for a 
fact that floaters come from a variety of places.  I have seen them from the 
doctor's office or procedure room to
 the stainer and every step in between.  Sometimes if the "floater" is in the 
block it is very difficult to determine where it originated.  We can however 
eliminate the water bath and stainer as the origin in these cases.  One company 
told me that the design of the solution bottle eliminated floaters because 
floaters float and their stainer draws solutions from the bottom of the 
bottle.  I have probably changed thousands of staining dishes during my 40+ 
year career (yes, I am old) and I have seen lots of little pieces of tissue at 
the bottom of the staining dishes.  So, no, not all floaters float.  I would 
love to hear feedback from others on this.  I guess I would appreciate feedback 
about the floater issue as well as how a few vendors can make such claims and 
expect Histology techs to buy it.  I really felt that a few comments were 
insulting to our profession and to the knowledge and expertise we possess. 
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