I have had folding and bubbles occur periodically with PFA fixed, sucrose 
cryoprotected frozen brain tissue I receive from other labs. I streak a 
distilled water moistened brush across the slide then pick up the frozen 
section on the moistened area. It comes out flat and smooth every time. I let 
the section dry as usual, then store in -20°C or -80°C.  For ISH I use a RNase 
zapped and DEPC rinsed brush and streak DEPC water across the slide with the 
moistened brush. I section the PFA fixed, sucrose cryoprotected tissue around 
-21°C. Researchers report good subsequent IHC and ISH results and bring more 

Donna J. Emge, ASCP-HT
Mouse Histology and Phenotyping Laboratory Manager
Northwestern University
Olson Pavilion 8-333
710 North Fairbanks Court
Chicago, IL  60611

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