Hi all,
I'm new to this so this may be a very dumb question but here goes.
If you have already stained for IEGs (Zenk and cFos protein) in brain
tissue and adhered coverslips with permount to the slides is it possible to
then stain with nissl (after removing the covers, of course)?

I'm having a hard time locating certain nuclei now (they were obvious
before staining for IEGs and mounting) so I'm looking for a way to
corroborate that I am looking in the right areas.

As an alternative, I can stain new sections with nissl that have been kept
in cryoprotectant and are free of IEG staining. IF I take this route, would
I have to stain a replicate set of sections for ALL individuals (birds) so
that I compare each IEG stained section to a nissl section that came from
the same bird? In other words, I have 100 slides with 3+ sections per slide
with IEG staining, will I need 100 slides with the same sections stained
for nissl?

Thanks for the help!!


Teresa Iglesias
Graduate Group in Animal Behavior
Department of Evolution and Ecology
University of California-Davis
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