I think that you want to contact Teresa Moore, I am good, been through this 
whole process/experience myself- but I have more time out, and "old shoe now"- 
she has a great attitude, and was a super student. I don't have her email saved 
on here, but I hope that she sees your messages and I am glad to see all the 
support she is getting here!Joelle

Joelle Weaver MAOM, (HTL) ASCP

 > From: pathloc...@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 10:00:44 -0800
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] Cutting speed
> To: joellewea...@hotmail.com; algra...@email.arizona.edu
> CC: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Never sacrifice quality for speed. Patient care is priority one, and
> the lab makes plenty of money. If you are understaffed they need to
> deal with that, not jeopardize care. You can always contact Healthcare
> Connections to get vacation coverage, or another agency like that. If
> you want Healthcare Connections it Comp Health staffing phone numbers
> feel free to email me.
> Sent from my Windows Phone
> From: joelle weaver
> Sent: 1/3/2012 8:48 AM
> To: algra...@email.arizona.edu
> Cc: Histonet
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] Cutting speed
> Good advice.
> Joelle Weaver MAOM, (HTL) ASCP
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/joelleweaver
>  From: algra...@email.arizona.edu
> CC: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 07:39:47 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Histonet] Cutting speed
> Teresa,
> Don't trade quality for speed. I once worked for a pathologist who
> actually told me that he preferred that we took our time cutting so
> that the sections were as good as we could make them. He said that it
> took a lot of the stress of making a diagnosis off of him when he got
> good slides, especially when the diagnosis was a difficult one. He
> said to treat the tissue like it came from your Mother or your child.
> I have worked with people who bragged often and loudly about being
> fast cutters and their slides looked like it.
> I agree with the person who advised that you sit down and have a talk
> with the lab manager to voice your concerns. Everyone should be aware
> that you are going to do the very best you can while your co-worker is
> away, even if it takes you a bit longer.
> Good luck with this!
> Andi
> On Dec 31, 2011, at 10:18 AM, Kim Donadio wrote:
> > My only advice to you Teresa is to take a deep breath, calm down and do the 
> > best you can. Dont take your eye off the specimen you are dealing with. 
> > It's someones life. You might hear people screaming about time, they need 
> > this, they need that. but You as a healthcare professional have the ONE 
> > most importnat task you really need to focus on, and thats making the best 
> > slide you can from each specimen you deal with. Focus on that, keep your 
> > chin up and know that you are doing the patients a service by being there 
> > doing good work while dealing with hard times.
> >
> > Best of wishes
> >
> > Kim D
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Teresa Moore <tmoor...@gmail.com>
> > To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> > Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 8:44 AM
> > Subject: [Histonet] Cutting speed
> >
> > I graduated from a histology program in June/11 and just got a job a week
> > ago.  My speed on the microtome is not great.  Everyone says it takes time
> > but I feel my technique may be wrong.  To make matters worse the only other
> > histotech in the lab is going on vacation the third week of January and I
> > will be alone!!!!! I don't have the overall flow of the lab down yet and
> > have no idea how they expect me to handle the cutting all by myself.  My
> > biggest concern is my cutting speed right now.  How long does it take
> > (approx) to do 40 blocks an hour.  Currently, I'm about half that!  I'm
> > panicking and I've only been on the job 8 days.  Help!!!!!!!!!!!
> >
> > --
> > Teresa Moore
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