Fascinating... and that gets me back to my original ponderance. Why all the 
"false" histotechs? Are there people trying to sneak into flow cytometry who 
have never run a flow cytometer or clinical chemistry medtechs who have never 
sat in front of an analyzer or cytotechs who don't know an epithelial cell from 
a glandular cell. What is the reason that there seems to be so much trouble now 
with non-functioning or poorly functioning histotechs or outright imposters? 
Maybe there is an answer 2 or 3 levels globally deeper in health care and 
society than the simple question of "Can you cut a section at interview?" 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Angela Bitting" <akbitt...@geisinger.edu> 
To: "Thomas Jasper" <tjas...@copc.net>, "Kim Donadio" 
Cc: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 5:36:53 AM 
Subject: Re: [Histonet] interview cutting-OT-disarmingly long for 

I've had a temp, who we interviewed over the phone, come in and sit down at a 
microtome and create the most horrendous slides I've ever seen. He lasted a 
week and we sent him back from whence he came. I don't think he was EVER a 
Histotech or if he was it was many, many moons ago. Point is.....he snowed us 
all during the interview. Just thought I'd throw that out there. 

>>> Kim Donadio <one_angel_sec...@yahoo.com> 1/30/2012 10:01 PM >>> 
Oh come on. The truth of the matter of why I like to give a manual test to new 
hires is because people are graduating some Internet programs without the 
technical skills to function in a lab. Not all. But I've seen a lot. Just 

I don't think it should be made a big deal. You take a drivers test to drive. 
Peoples lives are on the line in each case. 

Does that a lone mean I don't hire them. Probaly not. I just need to know how 
much personal investment of my time I am going to need to give ...... 

Runs for her pillow of dreams :). Nite nite 

Sent from my iPhone 

On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:25 PM, "Thomas Jasper" <tjas...@copc.net> wrote: 

> Ray, 
> Took the time to read your post. You make excellent points. Getting at the 
> gist of your "wannabee" comments. What boggles my mind is - how or why 
> someone would try to pull something off like that. Sooner or later (hopefully 
> sooner...like before actually hiring them) the charade will be discovered. 
> Misrepresenting oneself and false or misleading information given on an 
> application is generally grounds for dismissal. 
> Seems to me this isn't Leonardo di Caprio and "Catch Me If You Can". In the 
> end you are right about finding ways to determine if an applicant is "legit". 
> I've come to believe that in the Histology world - if you meet or hear of 
> someone you don't know...someone you do know...knows them. At least that 
> seems to be true almost all the time. 
> Kind regards, 
> Tom Jasper 
> Thomas Jasper HT (ASCP) BAS 
> Histology Supervisor 
> Central Oregon Regional Pathology Services 
> Bend, OR 97701 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: histonet-boun...@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
> [mailto:histonet-boun...@lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of 
> koelli...@comcast.net 
> Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 10:23 AM 
> To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
> Subject: [Histonet] interview cutting-OT-disarmingly long for 
> deletiondisinterested 
> Or as Gayle wisely pointed out it might be interview sectioning to 
> differentiate those who "cut out" on an interview. 
> While there is no right or wrong to this question, I'm still not convinced 
> that it is a useful tool for you or HR to just have a routine "can cut 
> (section) on rotary microtome" check box on application the same as you do 
> for a "current address" or "reference contact" check box on a form. As I 
> pointed out in my original stupid reply, willfully breaking my own internal 
> rule to avoid taking up these gray (not black and white scientific) 
> discussions, it would depend on the circumstance (unknown person from unknown 
> parts vs. someone from part of the "histology community" well known). If I 
> call "x" who I've known for years about an applicant "y" who is applying and 
> worked with "x" and am told "Oh! "y" worked for us for last 4 years. He/she 
> along with "z" and "zz" were our 3 who sectioned (#) blocks a day. Devastated 
> to see him/her go but know they had to move along with husband/wife. Great 
> cutter and everyone liked him/her". Having him/her sit down to now cut 10 
> blocks to see "if they can cut" as a routine question accomplishes WHAT?" If 
> someone mysterious with no background walked in, sure have them cut although 
> there have been numerous fantastic options already posted how to weed them 
> out prior to sectioning a finger off. A (purposely) mis-processed block with 
> tissue now shrunken in from block face and a question of "we need a recut, 
> what would you do for this block" will let you know in about 2 seconds 
> whether or not this is a histotech impostor. Or looking at a blandly stained, 
> necrotic section under microscope and asking "interpret this section" will 
> tell you something of who or what this person is. Personally, I'd far rather 
> have a person who is energetic, scientifically and intellectually confident 
> and talented, personable, works well within the "symphony" of histology and 
> cuts 8 blocks and leaves a few wrinkles in this new environment set-up than a 
> (female or male) diva who cuts 10 perfect blocks but who has that nearly 
> imperceptible tint of not a complete team player or dubious personality. A 
> routine check box "can cut" I think is just a waste of time and resources 
> unless a particular circumstance warrants it. 
> Someone asked "would you hire a secretary without a wpm typing test". 
> Absolutely, beyond any doubt. If the transcriptionist next door wants a 
> secretary position and routinely types 3 times faster than is required as a 
> secretary; why a wpm test? If I call someone I know across state where this 
> applicant worked for last 10 years and "she's an immaculate and fast typist 
> beyond anything we've ever had and so sorry she had to move", I'd rather then 
> concentrate on more esoteric matrices than wpm. If he/she was a secretary 25 
> years ago and has been a house-husband or house-wife for 25 years and 
> starting back now or if someone walks in off the street to apply then beyond 
> any doubt; they take a typing test. 
> Someone pointed out that all musicians play their instrument in application 
> to test for the orchestra. Of course but for a completely different reason. 
> You could give an "oral test" to 1,000 musicians of which 999 would know how 
> to transpose 3 pitches up by 7 semi-tones or define a diatonic scale or 
> identify the composer if listening to an excerpt from the Overture-Midsummers 
> Night Dream. That's not what the interviewee is looking for. They are looking 
> for the ONE in 1,000 who has the exact pitch, timbre, affannato, vibrato, 
> arioso and legato from their specific instrument that only that particular 
> person's instrument and ability possesses. Only a finely trained ear (the 
> conductor) has that God-given ability of relative/perfect pitch or 
> undefinable gift to identify that one instrument and one ability to fit into 
> the total music experience. And there is only one way to find out; have him 
> or her play. Totally different scenario than in a histology lab unless the 
> object is to see how well the speed and noise of one person's cutting blends 
> in with the symphony of 75 other microtomes being used in the lab at the same 
> time. 
> Then you start to ponder, as did a fine mind out there who understood the 
> butterfly comment, if a current 30-year superstar of histology walked into a 
> lab looking for a histology job, would they take a cutting ( sectioning?) 
> test? If Yo-Yo Ma or James Galway or Itzhak Perlman or John Cerminaro had 
> ever walked in to "test" for an orchestral position, surely they wouldn't be 
> tested just to see if "can they play" a cello or flute or violin or French 
> Horn or even how well they play on that particular day in that particular 
> environment. 
> Maybe what I'm mis-understanding is that apparently there are A LOT of 
> histology wannabees, walking in off the street trying to "sneak into 
> histology"? and if so that seems like there should be some manner of response 
> to that situation although not sure what it is. But something short of 
> sitting down to cut and have them slice a finger. And if accredited histology 
> schools are putting out graduated students with HT certifications, and have 
> never cut a block or only 3 blocks or trained to routinely cut thick and 
> thin, then that seems a matter for the school, NSH, NACCLS, ASCP, CAP, state 
> agencies, etc and not the histonet. 
> In the end, I think there are potentially far better ways (and there have 
> been numerous great suggestions already) to ascertain information about an 
> applicant than a routine (check-accomplished cutting 10 blocks) check-off box 
> although depending on the situation, I'm not at all against cutting blocks at 
> application if warranted. 
> If the Samurai Pathologist is out there reading still; any idea over your 
> career, about how many glass slides have you viewed under a microscope since 
> the first? Your replies are always top-notch, entertaining and informative. 
> And hope with each new job you don't have to show someone you can pass a test 
> of which slide shows normal liver and which slide shows cirrhotic liver in 
> your interview. 
> One day about a year ago, I sat down and did some fairly accurate (I think) 
> estimation of "how many blocks have I cut in 45 years in pathology" . Came up 
> with a number a bit above 1,100,000 blocks (paraffin, frozen OCT, glycol 
> methacrylate, EPON). So if I come looking for a bench histology job, hope I 
> can skip the routine, required "can section?" check box. Would rather spend 
> the time talking about the greatest sports franchise in the history of all 
> sports; The St. Louis Baseball Cardinals. Summer of 1967 cut my first 
> paraffin block while on high school summer break (after a few weeks learning 
> to hone my steel knife with a Belgian stone and sharpening/stropping with a 
> barber razor strop). And in summer of 1967 I also watched an unhitable Bob 
> Gibson lead the Cards to yet another World Series. 
> Ray 
> Phenopath Labs 
> Seattle WA 
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