Several questions and comments, in no particular order:

1. What percent of bleach?
- 10% is all that is needed for biohazards. If you are concerned about the smell, it might be too high a percent.

2. How good is your ventilation? How long do you continue to smell the chlorine? - If you continue to smell it hours later, or even the next day, have your safety officer and maintenance people check out the ventilation.

3. After wiping down with 10% bleach, are you wiping down the counter with water? - Need to clean off the corrosive bleach off the surfaces. That would also help with the smell. But takes more time.

3. What locations in the lab are you cleaning with dilute bleach?
- The only areas that need to be cleaned with a disinfectant are those areas that have fresh or not completely fixed tissue, so around the grossing stations and the cryostat. Maybe where specimens are received into the lab. - The areas where you process tissue, embed, microtome, do staining, file slides and blocks should not need to be disinfected with bleach. The tissue has been fixed in formalin, and gone through alcohol, xylene (or substitute), and placed in 60 degree C (140 degree F) paraffin. That should kill almost all microorganisms. Therefore, should not need to clean up with anything beyond soap and water. If you have a very underprocessed tissue block, and it's oozing and weeping all over the counter and microtome, you may want to disinfect the area. (If it's a CJD case, you are going to need strong solutions than 10% bleach, but that's a whole new conversation.) - So talk with your safety officer, about how there are no biohazards in the other parts of the lab. They may be thinking more of the clinical pathology labs, with blood tubes and petri dishes, needing to be disinfected with bleach every day/shift.

4. Chemical incompatibility:
Bleach is incompatible with ammonia (makes chlorine gas - deadly)
Bleach is incompatible with acids
Bleach is an oxidizer, and formaldehyde is supposed to be kept away from oxidizers. So, yes, I would be a little worried about chemical interaction. However, wiping down the area first with water, to remove other chemicals, before the bleach, would take care of this problems.

5. What does Epidemiology suggest for disinfectant?
Our epidemiology is suggesting other cleaning solutions for disinfecting, rather than bleach, in many cases.
- not as corrosive
- less obnoxious fumes
- more "green"
- better disinfectant and faster, than bleach

Peggy Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
Beaumont Health Systems
Royal Oak, MI 48073
(Comments reflect my opinions, not that of my hospital)

-----Original Message----- From: angela smith
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 8:57 AM
Subject: [Histonet] Bleaching in the histo lab

I have been told by our safety officer that it is standard practice too clean the lab at the end of the day with diluted bleach. I have noticed a chemical reaction (smell) when cleaning the main area of the lab. I have concerns that this is not a good practice due to chemical reactions as we use so many chemicals in histology. What do other people do? Also I believe it is unsafe to use bleach with anything formalin related. Please let me know if you have a "standard" practice or mandated cleaning from your facility.
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