Hi Jenny:

Xylene can pass through the skin via the lipids that surround the skin cells, just the way the medicine in nicotine patches, sea sickness patches and birth control patches can. How much can enter your system is not known to me but you should wear resistant gloves, maybe even double glove.
Not wearing the appropriate glove is almost certainly a safety violation.


On 2/21/2012 10:17 PM, Jenny Vega wrote:
I am asking this because in my job we mount slides by hand, and my
coworkers don't like to use gloves because it leaves a residue of latex in
the back of the slides. I really don't feel comfortable mounting without
gloves because I heard that xyelene can cause cancer. Some people I know
personally has told me that this is not possible, but I read in some places
that xylene could a possible carcinogen.

I have already gotten contact with xylene in my hands a couple of times and
I am worried.

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Geoff McAuliffe, Ph.D.
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