Can anyone expand on the following CAP checklist question: <= /div>




   = Fume Hood Verification   

   Phase II


There  is  a function verification prog= ram for chemical fume
   hoods required by the laboratory's Chemical Hygiene P= lan.

   Evidence of Compliance:

   ✓=         Written  procedure  for chemical fume hood function
   verification[DEL:   :DEL] AND<= /FONT>

   [DEL: ✓      :DEL] Records of function verification



   What  do  they mean by "function verification?"  Does this m= ean that
   lab personnel just have to do a function test and make sure the ho= od
   is  working,  or  does  an  outside  company have to test the hood for
   correct=  airflow  and  then  certify  it?   At my last job, we had an
   outside compa= ny come out annually to test and certify the hoods.


   Laurie Colbert
Histonet mailing list

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