Marilyn Weiss HT (ASCP) cm, Kaiser Permanente Hospital, San Diego, CA asks:
>>We are desperately looking for a Histobath. I know they do not make them any 
>>more, but if someone has a old one they are not using or a company can get 
>>their hands on one, we would be eternally grateful. Our Lab Manager would 
>>prefer we do not us Liquid Nitrogen. We love the Histobaths we have now.<<

After Googling the topic, I'm not at all convinced that the product is
actually available.

This topic has been discussed extensively on HistoNet in the last few
years, and you should consult the HistoSearch archives. There is at
least one alternative product.

Whatever you get, look into using a non-flammable perfluorocarbon
coolant, rather than the extremely flammable acetone or 2-methylbutane
usually in use.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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