Hello Everyone,
I purchase a brand new Leica CV5030 coverslipper, which I received at the 
beginning of February.  I have had non- stop issues with this coverslipper from 
it throwing slides, coverslips and now the sensor not working properly.
I have emailed Leica several times now requesting a new coverslipper.  If I 
have this many issues at three months what is it going to do in a year?
The tech service support person has been great with fixing all of the issues.
This is my reply I received from the President, North America, Jack Kenny-
"We do not believe that it is appropriate at this point to replace this system. 
  We will continute to monitor the situation but not upgrade at this time."
I am not looking for an upgrade I would just like a new coverslipper that works.
Has anyone else had problems with Leica not replacing defective equipment?  
Please let me know.  How did you resolve the issue?
Thank you in advance,
Linda Dee, BGS, HT(ASCP)
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