Toysha - well said!  Thank you for being brave enough in your response to 
balance the conversation.

Maria Mejia
Histology Supervisor
Department of Neurosurgery
SF CA 94103

On May 25, 2012, at 6:25 AM, Mayer,Toysha N wrote:

> Like everyone else, I was going to keep quiet, but I can't.
> I am sensitive to those downgrading us who took the OJT route.
> I did the OJT route, had a BS in Biology, tried for Veterinary School, but 
> that wasn't so.  What do I do with all of this Science?  As part of my 
> Pre-Med curricula had to take histology, loved it.  Had no idea that it was a 
> paying field and such.  Had I known, I would have applied to a school as a 
> backup.  It took me a while, but when I was hired as a tech, I did not excel 
> quickly (Cheryl remember my mistakes), but I learned and had patient 
> coworkers.  
> Move on down the line several years and another coworker questioned my 
> knowledge of the chemistry behind a stain, and all of a sudden all of my 
> organic and biochem can running out of my mouth.  I didn't realize that I 
> really knew all of that.  I had always felt a little disadvantaged because I 
> did not get formal training through a school, just studied and passed the HT 
> with the help of my coworkers (shout out to  LSU VetPath).  
> There is nothing wrong with OJT for Biology majors.  They should have the 
> basic background to understand the chemistries and processes behind why we do 
> what we do.  With the modernization of technologies and procedures in the 
> histo lab some formal education is needed.  There are many ways to receive 
> this education, it can be online, or in person.  It all depends on the 
> learner.
> To overcome the stigma we should continue with some of the things that are 
> now in place to stabilize the training of our successors (yes we all are 
> going to have to retire one day).  A continued push for formal training, 
> promotion of the field, professionalism by our colleagues, and respect from 
> the customers (pathologists, patients, and gen lab personnel). 
> In order to facilitate change for respect, we must first present a unified 
> front.  
> I know good techs with no certification, I know bad techs with certification. 
>  We all do.  
> Last year I celebrated my 20th year in histo and never thought I would be 
> where I am.  I never wanted to do research, and didn't like management (don't 
> like telling grown folks what to do), but I love teaching.  It helps me to 
> learn the theory behind what I do and apply it better.  There are so many 
> people who can do histo whether it is routine, special procedures, or 
> management.  
> We shouldn't look down on those who took the OJT route, sometimes they just 
> don't know about a formal program (like me).  You never know where the next 
> great manager, director or tech is coming from, so don't count them out.
> Toysha N. Mayer, MBA, HT (ASCP)
> Instructor, Education Coordinator
> Program in Histotechnology
> School of Health Professions
> MD Anderson Cancer Center
> (713) 563-3481
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 17:20:41 +0000
> From: joelle weaver <>
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] (no subject) (Not requiring HT Certification)
> To: <>
> Cc:
> Message-ID: <snt135-w63f3ac88ed033046fe696ad8...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Jon There is a route with associates and training I believe. 
> Of course I can't speak for the BOC, and I am sure that you want to help your 
> employees as much as you can. I do see your point about the similarities in 
> tasks. My thought would be that the exam eligibility states that they have to 
> have recent experience in fixation, embedding, microtomy, and staining 
> (histology) and the associated theory knowledge. EM is on the exam study 
> topics, but also with the theory/experience for all those routine 
> histological techniques, is how I read it. Take a look at the exam outlines, 
> that should give you an idea of the scope. "get certified".  As I 
> have been told, they want to cover the widest possible scope of roles 
> histologists can perform, which could include EM, but not only that. If they 
> don't have exposure to regular histology I think that it might be hard for to 
> feel prepared for the regular HT or HTL exams. That's just my opinion, based 
> on what I have observed and also the pass rates ( ~ 65%), for people even 
> with training/experience- there could be an exceptional person out there.   I 
> can understand not wanting to get buried in doing a whole HT curricula ( 
> believe me, I do). How about the option of having cross training in a 
> histology lab? Do you have routine histology on site or a nearby lab?  The 
> best advice I can give is to go to the website and carefully read the 
> requirments to see how your employees might fit in. If you want to provide 
> the theory without having to do the curricula, there are on line programs out 
> there which can supplement OJT and a supportive mentor and organization. I 
> have seen this work successfully with motivated people with the ability to 
> have hands on practice alongside. I suggest the NSH site which lists the 
> accredited programs  or the NAACLS site which  has a search for programs, if 
> that would help.  As far as employability, my opinion is that it would 
> certainly open up options for your employees to also have skills in routine 
> histology make them more valuable to your organization, and I would think 
> certification would be even more helpful to them as far as options. 
> Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
>> Subject: Re: [Histonet] (no subject) (Not requiring HT Certification)
>> From:
>> Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 09:53:21 -0700
>> CC:
>> To:
>> On May 24, 2012, at 9:25 AM, joelle weaver wrote:
>>> I think that the original post was referring to people with a HSD or GED. I 
>>> am not sure of the exact reasons considered in discontinuation of OJT 
>>> route, but I recall some publications discussing the desire to raise the 
>>> perception and awareness of the profession. The people with bachelors and 
>>> the science credits needed can choose either the HT or HTL as I understand 
>>> it, with the one year of verified experience/training. I think there is a 
>>> route with a associate's and the required science credits available with 
>>> the verified training for the HT. I believe there are now two routes for 
>>> each exam if I recall correctly, one being the program graduate route  plus 
>>> experience , and one with education requirements met and 
>>> training/experience. There is a page on the site that lays this out if 
>>> anyone wants to clarify/correct my recollection. 
>> OK, so I have a question.
>> We train students to do electron microscopy, both specimen prep and 
>> instrument operation.  They fix and embed (in plastic) tissues and make 
>> thick sections (1 um or less for us) and examine them using LM. It is not 
>> much of a leap to add paraffin techniques and/or basic staining etc. We have 
>> most of the equipment that would be needed already, but I am not ready to go 
>> into a full blown HT curriculum.
>> So, the question is, if a student gets an Associates degree that includes 
>> the basic science, would it help the student to get the basics of HT before 
>> looking for a job? Or could they take the test, get something to show for 
>> their work and make them a good job candidate?
>> Our students are skilled and could do the job, but figuring out how to help 
>> them and give them the right advice is my problem now.
>> Jon
>> Jonathan Krupp
>> Delta College
>> 5151 Pacific Ave.
>> Box 212
>> Stockton, CA  95207
>> 209-954-5284
>> Find us on Facebook @
>> Electron Microscopy at SJ Delta College
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 17:28:10 +0000
> From: joelle weaver <>
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] RE: Not requiring HT Certification
> To: <>
> Cc:
> Message-ID: <snt135-w30a9c4cc6679fa4f434166d8...@phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Yes I was referring to the HS and OJT training route.  There is confusion 
> about the degree + OJT and HS + OJT. Yes, that was my understanding also of 
> the drivers, I just could not recall where I read/heard that. 
> Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
>> From:
>> To:
>> Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 09:56:25 -0700
>> Subject: [Histonet] RE: Not requiring HT Certification
>> " I am not sure of the exact reasons considered in discontinuation of OJT 
>> route, but I recall some publications discussing the desire to raise the 
>> perception and awareness of the profession."
>> Just a clarification, the OJT route was NOT discontinued - it is still there 
>> - even now the vast majority of techs are trained by OJT - maybe 99.9 
>> percent. They simply need more education (not even a degree, just enough 
>> credits!) to qualify to take the HT test.
>> If you mean the pure OJT route - no education beyond high school, well, the 
>> primary driver was the fact that almost all techs could pass the practical 
>> but the pass rate on the written test was much, much lower.  It became 
>> obvious that many people were doing lab work that they did not fully 
>> understand or had trouble comprehending the details.
>> Tim Morken
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