Hello All,

I have compiled all of the responses to date regarding the question I posted on 
histonet about too much volume and reverse capillary action: (I've changed font 
styles to differentiate between responses)

I have used them for quite some time.  I was having problems with uneven 
staining and determined that it was from the being too full and was drawing up 
liquid from the bottom.  There is a small opening on the end and I just empty 
the solution from it.  I usually empty it after rinsing the antibody off and 
then usually before putting DAB or DAPI on depending on the number of slides 
stained.  As for washing, I just wash in a solution of soapy water and then 
rinse in distilled.  I use the coverplates for several staining times.  I love 
the sequenza and prefer it to having an automatic stainer.

I still use these and have 9 racks. 
The coverplates can be found on eBay, but I clean them in soapy bleach water, 
rinse well, and dry until the plastic gets brittle and they break.
I use AEC 99% of the time so I do not generate the waste of DAB.
If the racks are filing up with reagents and solutions, leave an empty slot and 
pipet it out. Otherwise, I dump it and and rinse after the run.
For the antibodies and detection solutions, you only need 3-4 drops. I only 
fill the well to the top with rinses.

We use these units, I have never had an issue with the waste reagents touching 
the bottom of the plates.  We never use more than 3 drops of kit items, the 
wells are filled with buffer.  It never seems to be alot of waste.
After we finish staining we just rinse the holders out with running water for a 
few minutes and let air dry.

We  empty them before they get to that stage, as this  would be  bound to 
affect the  efficient working of the Coverplates.

This is Tyler Liebig with the Thermo Scientific IHC group.  I'm responding to 
Keri's questions regarding the Sequenza manual staining.  Keri you are correct 
that if the waste is not emptied and builds up too much in the bottom of the 
sequenza unit it will definitely stop the capillary action (Reagent can't flow 
both ways :-).  However, this can be avoided by emptying the waste regularly 
between runs.  

You bring up a good question though that I didn't know the answer to: "How many 
slides can be stained before the waste hits the slides?" I did a quick 
calculation below that I hope is helpful.  

Total Waste Volume of Sequenza Rack:
In a Sequenza rack the slides are held about 1.5 inches above the bottom of the 
tray.  This allows about 270ml of waste before the level is close touching the 

Reagent use per slide:  If you stain a single slide with a long protocol then 
worst case scenario is about 7 steps.  (H2O2 through Counterstain with a two 
step polymer)
Volume of rinse buffer: This means you would rinse 8 times 2ml each (16ml total 
rinse buffer per slide worst case).
For the staining reagents: The recommended volume is 0.1ml per reagent and 
0.5ml for chromogen.  So for 6 reagents plus chromogen that is 1.1ml and I will 
double it because I know some people add way more than needed.  So 2.2ml per 
slide worst case.

So to sum it up worst case scenario 18.2ml of waste is created per slide which 
means 14 slides (270/ml/18.2ml=14.8) can be stained before the waste risks 
touching the slides.  The rack holds ten slides total. 

In the end I recommend users play is save and empty the waste after each batch 
of slides stained even though most user generate much less waste than the 
calculations above.

I also included a link to a great description of Sequenza use on the Histonet 
posted by Gayle M Callis HTL/HT/MT (ASCP).  I have referenced these details 
frequently myself (Thanks Gayle).

I have also read through Gayle's post on Histonet,  it is worth reading through 
for some more insight on the use of these units.


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