I have sympathy for your dilemma!
While I have no experience with the procedure in question there have been many, many publications since the 1960's trying to address this issue. Personally, I have never seen one I though was much good/worth the effort so I have just stayed with toluidine blue in borax.
You might look at this paper by Charlotte Pool:
/Pool, C.R. Hematoxylin-eosin staining of OsO4-fixed epon embedded tissue; prestaining oxidation by acidified H2O2. Stain Technol. 44:75-79, 1969./


On 6/25/2012 9:55 AM, Shanon Pink wrote:
Hi Again Gayle,

I'm sorry I was not very clear; I have already downloaded and read the
publication, and I am trying the procedure out today. I was wondering
about using a couple of substitutions and thought I might ask if
anyone has tried this procedure before.

I am on a four-week research project trying to find a nice
polychromatic stain to use for epon-embedded thick sections for
researchers here at the EM lab at St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital in Memphis. Normally they just use Toluidine Blue, but in
some cases researchers would like to have better differentiation on
their thick sections. Initially we were trying to find a stain that
approximates H&E since that's a familiar stain, but I've only had
mediocre results with the following stains: (1) Toluidine Blue/Sodium
Borate, followed with Basic Fuchsin, and (2) a homemade Paragon stain.
The staining procedure described in the aforementioned publication is
performed at  room temperature and is relatively fast. But as you
point out, it involves phenol which is not fun to work with.

Thanks to you and anyone else who has any thoughts!

--Shanon Pink

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 8:42 AM, gayle callis<gayle.cal...@bresnan.net>  wrote:

Thank you.    If you are at a university, you should be able to get this
publication on line if their library can do this for you.   I am not sure I
can access it via my connections but will try later.   There are other
methylene blue/basic fuchsin protocols that work very well on epoxy
sections.  Keep in mind that the carbol component of this stain is just
another name for phenol, very toxic and often a controlled substance in
laboratories (can't be passed around!).

If you want I will go into my EM file for the other MB/BF methods, they are
simple to use and make up.   Let me know if you would like the publication.

Gayle Callis

-----Original Message-----
From: Shanon Pink [mailto:shanonp...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 6:40 AM
To: gayle callis; histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: Re: Tolivia, Navarro and Tolivia

My apologies Gayle, I am new at this...

> From Histochemistry (1994) 101:51-55, "Polychromatic staining of epoxy
semithin sections: a new and simple method," by Tolivia, Navarro and
Tolivia. I am wondering if anyone out there has tried this technique.

Thank you for your time in responding!


On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 3:47 PM, gayle callis<gayle.cal...@bresnan.net>
What  journal, year and issue for this publication?


You wrote:

Has anyone out there tried the staining procedure described in the
paper "Polychromatic staining of epoxy semithin sections: a new and
simple method," from 1994, by Tolivia, Navarro, and Tolivia? I would
like to try it out on some thick sections embedded in Epon, but I
can't find any carbol methylene blue and wondered about possible

Gayle Callis

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