When I request deeper cuts of a paraffin block, I'm usually looking
for a focal lesion that didn't show up in the first section. I don't
usually order a recut because of a crappy slide, knowing that what
I'll get is another crappy slide. I'd actually prefer to write a very
brief note explaining what I'm looking for. Since I usually want to
examine the block before asking for the recut, I tell the technologist
then. Thus

cervix - can't find the dysplasia
skin - not sure we're down to the lesion in question
breast - looking for calcifications

The fixable quality issue I'd be thinking of is - am I providing the
pathologist with enough sections? (More than one slide, more than one
ribbon on one slide.) One short ribbon on one slide isn't always

I've never encountered the problem of a pathologist ordering too many
deepers, but it isn't a problem that another pathologist in the
practice would be likely to notice.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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