Thanks for all the info everyone. The tattoo ink sounds intriguing. We don't 
seem to have a problem getting full sections on any other derm specimens so I 
think it is specimen specific or technique specific meaning that the epithelial 
layer of these samples vary in thickness so I will keep you all posted as to 
the outcome as I know you are all waiting with anticipation....
Thanks again

> Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2012 13:49:23 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Histonet] Re: Inking Skin
> Christie Gowan at UAB Hospital. Birmingham, Alabama asks:
> >>My derm pathologist has requested that we ink the epithelium on MOHs derm 
> >>cases (new pathologist). We process many derm specimens a day but it seems 
> >>we are having trouble getting full epithelium on our cases that come over 
> >>from the MOHs clinic. I am not sure that inking the skin will help with the 
> >>problem but let's just say that if we do decide to ink the surface of these 
> >>specimens, does anyone know of an ink that will actually stick to skin?
> Your new pathologist should be able to specify what he wants. About
> time they started teaching pathology residents where slides come from.
> Mohs is somebody's name, not an acronym. Specifically Frederic Mohs,
> an American surgeon (1910-2002):
> You need a particulate ink that will stick to the specimen, withstand
> frozen section or paraffin processing, and be visible on the slide.
> Particulate marking inks for surgical pathology are made by a variety
> of manufacturers. I prefer the Davidson marking inks, but there are
> several other brands. They come in at least seven colors. A wooden
> case that keeps the tall narrow bottles from tipping over is usually
> included.
> Tattoo inks are cheap and come in an almost unlimited variety of
> colors, and in the one lab I've used them in work extremely well. The
> downside is you have to read some pretty appalling catalogs if you
> don't like tattoos and piercings (gimme a break, I'm 73 years old.)
> You can get ordinary India ink (which by definition is black) very
> easily. I didn't know that craft stores like Hobby Lobby offer a
> variety of colored particulate inks - I'd want to know exactly what to
> buy, to make sure I got a suitable colored ink that would show up on
> the slide.
> All of these inks have a good shelf life if you keep them tightly
> capped except when you're actually using them. If they become
> excessively viscous or solidify, they need to be thrown out.
> The specimen must be blotted thoroughly dry before inking, and the ink
> blotted off afterwards. If you do this you won't need to use anything
> to "set" the ink. I never use these fixatives. If you do want to use
> such a fixing solution, 2 or 3% acetic acid (diluted from glacial
> acetic acid) or half strength ordinary grocery store white vinegar is
> supposed to work as well as anything. It's unnecessary to use Bouin's
> fixative or acetone, both of which are serious hazmats.
> Bob Richmond
> Samurai Pathologist
> Knoxville TN
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