Hello all,

Earlier today I had a VERY tiny sample from the esophogus. When I say it was 
tiny, it looked to be only a few microns in thickness. It was inside of, you 
guessed it,
a teabag! :) But that wasn't the problem, as it was appropriate in this case to 
be put in a teabag because of the size. When I pulled it out of the cassette, I 
had to go over it very carefully to even find it. It's sad that I know of a not 
insignificant number of people who wouldn't have taken the time to find it and 
most likely have dispositioned it as not surviving processing or no tissue 
found, but that is another issue. I'm sure the patient would appreciate the 
extra effort.

I know of a few techniques to make tissue, and specifically tiny or fatty 
tissue, more easily visible in cases like these. For example, I've seen using a 
different colored wax or putting eosin in the alcohol during processing.  What 
do some of you guys do?

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