For most histology demonstration of iron or copper, we are not doing a quantitative analysis (exactly how much is in the tissue). We are usually just demonstrating yes there is iron or copper, or no there is not. In the case of hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, or Wilson's disease, we might be documenting there is a LOT of iron or copper, but we're don't demonstrating a specific amount. If this is what you are doing (yes/no), then if your d. water (either deionized or distilled) has practically no iron or copper in it, there is no need to acid-clean glassware or the slides, as long as you do the following:
1) Use the slides as they are from the box.
2) Wash the coplin jars in hot water with soap and bleach (or other commercial cleaner). After rinsing in hot tap water several times (3-4), rinse in d. water several times (3-4). To test to see if all the soap and bleach (or cleaner) has been rinsed off completely, touch a pH strip to the wet inside of the coplin jar. If the pH turns acidic or basic, then there is still soap and/or commercial cleaner in it. Keep rinsing in d. water until pH meter remains neutral. 3) Test your d. water once in a while for contaminants. A company called HACH has a lot of kits for this, relatively cheap. Can test for resistivity or conductivity, which will tell you how many ions are in the water. If there are very few, then don't bother testing for which ones (unless you HAVE to do the quantitative testing of minerals/metals). If there are a lot of ions, then you might want to find out which ones, either by sending out to an outside testing company, or buying some of Hach's tests for copper or iron (since this is what you are concerned about).

Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
Beaumont Hospital
Royal Oak, MI 48073

The opinions expressed are mine, and do not reflect one Beaumont Hospital.

-----Original Message----- From: Esther C Peters
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 3:20 PM
Subject: [Histonet] Acid-cleaning of slides for metals stains

We are going to do special stains for iron (Perl's Prussian Blue for ferric iron, Mallory's Method from WebPath: Internet Pathology Laboratory) and copper (Rhodanine from Carson and Hladik) in mouse livers. We have on hand unopened boxes of plus-charged microscope slides. Do we need to acid clean these slides before we put sections on them for these stains (understanding that the charge will no longer exist, but the cleaning is more important for these stains)?

I would also appreciate any insights about the best acid-cleaning procedure for all glassware for these stains. I have used nitric acid in the past, swirling it around the staining dishes and covering glass racks in a staining dish (how long should this be for?), then rinsing with double-deionized water (or would you recommend distilled only?). Thank you!

Esther C. Peters, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Science & Policy
Biology Program/Medical Technology Coordinator
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MSN 5F2
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Office: David King Hall 3057
Phone: 703-993-3462
Fax: 703-993-1066

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