Over the years I have heard about some folks obsessing (my opinion) about this. I have never had a problem and I don't think it is an issue, assuming one rinses the glassware thoroughly. If the glass is clean water does not bead but sheets off. I only used distilled water for silver stains, making osmium for EM, etc.
Look up 'water break test' and see if you can find anything helpful.


On 10/12/2012 11:40 AM, Valerie O'Connor wrote:
Hi All,
I process and stain GI biopsies only. I use do a basic H&E, Diff Quick for 
H.pylori, PAS for candida , Trichrome, and Alcian Blue/PAS.
Is anyone aware of documentation stating that residual detergent on glassware 
would have a deleterious affect on the quality of the
stains mentioned above. I cannot find anything.
Thanks in advance,

Valerie O'Connor B.S. HT (ASCP)
Gastroenterology Center of CT.
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Geoff McAuliffe, Ph.D.
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