Hi Jennifer,

It is possible to prepare sections of bone containing metal implants, but it is 
not routine for most labs. At a previous research lab, we used the Exakt 
cutting and grinding system (other manufacturers are available) to cut and 
grind resin sections (Technovit 7200) of bone with titanium implants to less 
than 10um thickness. Sections were stained with Alizarin Red to show the bone 
or Sanderson's Rapid Bone Stain with acid fuchsin counterstain if we were 
looking at the soft tissue as well. It takes quite a bit of time and effort to 
produce the sections (and some expensive equipment), but the results are well 
worth it. If this is just a one off, then I suggest you try and find a contract 
lab that can handle it. Alternatively, suggest to the researcher that they give 
MicroCT scanning a try if all the are looking at is bone formation.
Hope this helps.

Andrew Prior
Tissue Regenix Group
Heslington, York
YO10 5NY
E-mail: a.pr...@tissueregenix.com<mailto:a.pr...@tissueregenix.com>
Website:  www.tissueregenix.com<http://www.tissueregenix.com/>
 >>Message: 15

>>Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:38:19 -0700

>>From: Jennifer MacDonald <jmacdon...@mtsac.edu>

>>Subject: [Histonet] cutting bone with metal

>>To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu


>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

>>I have been asked the following question.  I do not have an answer and was  
>>hoping someone in the Histonet community did. Thanks.

>>There is a researcher who is doing orthopedic procedures on broken rat 
>>tibias. The researcher is repairing the tibias with metal rods or

>>plates???not sure which (and the doctor isn't sure what kind of metal 
>>either). The researcher wants to know if it is possible to make histologic

>>sections of the repaired tibias with the metal intact
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