POL's, which incidentally pay me well, are at least somewhat
dangerous. Though I benefit greatly from them, I am also not going to
sit on this forum and lie about how "deserving" they all are. There
surely is over utilization going on. Denial of that fact does none of
us any good.

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On Oct 31, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Nicole Tatum <nic...@dlcjax.com> wrote:

> Let me start by sharing this:
> Definition of FREE ENTERPRISE
> : freedom of private business to organize and operate for profit in a
> competitive system without interference by government beyond regulation
> necessary to protect public interest and keep the national economy in
> balance.
> Key Word being For Profit. Health care is a commodity that is bought and
> sold and the medical industry is big bucks for our economy. So what if a
> POL is for profit, so are some hospitals, pharmaceutical companies,
> pharmacies, and the local gas station. My point being is, just because a
> POL is for profit does not mean that the facility does not offer the same
> quality of care as a national laboratory who is also seeking profit. So,
> as far as Im concerned the Doctor, owner, or medical director is able to
> bill for any test he performs in his facility that is currently licensed
> and regulated. I really dont think the setting should be a factor. We all
> will see changes and cuts. I do not believe this thread has any thing to
> do specifically with the election. Besides it doesnt really matter what
> side of the fence your on. Cuts are comming, dare I say "rationing". Even
> if socialized medicine does not get passed and Romney wins, Medicare will
> have to decrease its allowable payouts each year.  I personally am more
> worried about what that will mean for our payscale. For those of you who
> dont know me, I DO work in a POL lab. Im not bias, but I don't think the
> location of my lab is relative to the fact that it shouldn't be allowed to
> exist because its for profit. Just my thought. Happy Halloween to all.
> Nicole Tatum, HT ASCP
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