You really screwed it up!
When you placed both pieces of liver in the processor both were subjected to 
the effect of ethanol and probably xylene and both reagents extracted the liver 
fat and no matter what you try to do now, there will be not enough fat in the 
pieces as to even try the ORO stain.
Try to get another piece. Anything you will try will not render good 
cryosections and no fat staining.
René J.

From: z o n k e d <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:52 AM
Subject: [Histonet] Help! Liver mistakenly processed in paraffin (had to be in 
OCT instead)!

Hello Histonetters,

First time writer, long time reader. I'm a newbie tech in academia and I
was given a simple task which I think I pretty much screwed up.

I should have embedded half of a mouse liver in paraffin for microtome
sectioning while the other half should have been embedded in OCT for
cryosectioning (for oil red o). I made the mistake last night of placing
both liver halves into the tissue processor. The liver I intended for OCT
embedding is now hard as wax. Is there any way to deparaffinize processed
organs and may I embed them in OCT for proper cryosectioning? I imagine
that the liver would get dehydrated, I would get crappy sections, and Oil
Red O won't work.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you so much,

Zoe W.

"It costs nothing to say something kind. Even less to shut up altogether."

    --Nathan Fillion
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