Hi everybody. I´m a pathologist involved in Pathology residents  training at 
the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. Sometimes, we can´t 
demonstrate the presence of microcalcifications in stereotactic breast 
biopsies, in spite of observing them in the paraffin blocks ( x-ray) . The lab 
technicians cut the blocks at 50 microns interval , doing routinely 3 levels 
,and  sectioning all the tissue when we get no micros in the slides. We have 
reviewed the no calcium slides with polarized light without success, and all we 
got is a sense of frustration.

Any advice would be welcome, as well as your processing/sectioning protocols

Thank you in advance,

Gino Italo Bianchi
Breast Pathology
Universidad Central de Venezuela,
Caracas, Venezuela
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