Bruce Gapinsk HT (ASCP), Chief Histologist, Marin Medical
Laboratories, PathGroup SF asks:

>>Histonians, I'm sure we are not the only histology lab that deals with thick 
>>grossed specimens. Has anyone tried the new gross tools by Sakura? Or 
>>anything else that can cut ONE nickel thick. Tired of reprocessing.<<

This grumpy old (74) pathologist would be happy to try them out,
though I can cut freehand and almost never have a block reprocessed,
but the skill eludes a lot of the young folks. Do you have a Web link
for these tools?

The problem would be getting a lab manager to spring for them. The
Laboratory Manager's Handy-Dandy Guide to Making Life Hard for the
Pathologist (I'm sure  there is such a book, though I haven't actually
seen one) specifies that grossing is a ritual requiring only a basic
set of tools.

One lab expected me to gross with an athame and chalice. I tried to
explain to them that OSHA and the CAP would not permit me to gross

(You guys know I NEVER exaggerate.)

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN

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