I know this topic has been beaten to death in the past and do realize it is 
dependent on tissue
orientation, quantity of pieces in a block, and experience.

There are guidelines suggested by the College of Med Lab of Ontario in a 
document Oct 2008
that indicates the expected minimum daily range is

Specimens with no orientation                       16-38 seconds per specimen
Specimens with orientation                            21 to 52 seconds peer 
Mixed cassettes                                              60-70 per hour

I would like to know if this is monitored and what do you if your techs are 
unable to reach these recommendations,
even after several years of experience.  I realize these are minimum 
suggestions and should be achievable but what
recommendations are suggested if a tech with over 10 years experience still 
averages close to 2 minutes a block.  On
average we may have 120-140 blocks a day and it takes 3.5-4 hours to embed.  I 
have had ergonomic assessments done.
They seem to maintain a constant level and will not strive for improvement.  
Any suggestions?

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