If you have a Nikon Coolpix, you can adapt it to the microscope very easily 
although the Nikon Coolpix is not cheap.
There is an article in "Histologic" [34(2):27-32 (2001)] that will give you 
good ideas. 
If you go to http://www.wpiinc.com/ there is an assortment of cheap "image 
capturing" devices of relatively good quality at low price.
You can find image capturing devices at http://www.drinstruments.com/ for less 
than $100, but the images quality are wanting. 
At http://www.srb-griturn.com/ they sell camera adapters that you can use to 
hold a camera to the ocular tube to take photomicrographs of acceptable quality.
René J. 

From: Mikael Niku <mikael.n...@helsinki.fi>
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 6:59 AM
Subject: [Histonet] Cheap digital camera microscope adapters?


I'm planning to purchase a set of digital cameras for our histology teaching 
laboratory, so that the students can do their histology work by taking 
microphotographs. Buying "real" microscope cameras would be too expensive as we 
need quite many (and our course microscopes don't have a camera tubus) so I'm 
thinking about fitting standard digital cameras in place of the eyepiece. The 
microscopes are good old Olympus CH2 ones and the cameras could be any 
affordable model.

If anyone can recommend a functional but affordable adapter, fitting to a 
functional but affordable consumer level digital camera, please tell!

With best regards,
Mikael Niku, PhD
University of Helsinki, Finland

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