Well, folks it's Friday and I'm winding down.  Some of you are probably 
relieved but I had to get one last blurb into the histonet about one of our 
speakers.  Her name is Elizabeth (Ely) Klar and she teaches at Columbus State 
University in Columbus, Georgia.
She will be presenting a workshop on the microscopic identification of the 
major tissue types.  This  will be great for students as well as new 
technicians.  (newbies)  I know the subject is not one that makes you want to 
go out and turn cartwheels on the beach, but it is informative and necessary.  
You want to impress the pathologist when you sit down with him at the 
double-headed scope. We're looking forward to Ely's presentation and hope to 
see you there!  (or on the beach turning cartwheels)

Wanda Simons/bz (you know it!!)
President GSH

Augusta State University and Georgia Health Sciences University have 
consolidated to become Georgia Regents University. Effective January 9, 2013, 
my email address has changed to bzimm...@gru.edu. Please update your address 
book to reflect this change.
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