If you are going to vacation/holiday, please unsubscribe from Histonet. We 
don’t want a zillion messages saying “I am out of the office.”

If you no longer want to receive Histonet emails because it isn’t your cup of 
tea, then please follow these directions on how to unsubscribe:

- Go to the bottom of any Histonet email (such as this one)

- Click on the link to the webpage page (the one that starts with “http”, not 
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- Scroll again to the bottom of the page, type your email address where you 
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- Hit the button that says “unsubscribe or edit options”

- Follow any other directions (sorry, I’m not going any further on the links, 
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don’t remember.)

When back from your vacation/holiday, do a search for “Histonet subscribe”, 
follow the links, and resubscribe. Or save this email, and go to:
 http://lists.utsouthwestern.edu/mailman/listinfo/histonet to resubscribe.

Thank you.

Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
Histonet mailing list

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