I recently had some tissues sent to me for frozen sectioning and staining. I 
was able to section them just fine and also stained them reasonably well the 
next day. The stains that I used were ones that I have used many times on 
similar sections. The stains did not seem as "crisp" as usual but the were OK. 
I went back to the unstained slides two days later (stored then at -20) and I 
had lost the ability to stain with the same antibodies. I cut some fresh 
sections and the staining ability was restored. I am used to keeping tissues at 
-20 for months and still able to stain with these markers. The tissues were 
embedded in a different freezing compound than I am used to using.

Has anyone had this problem? I use Tissue-Tek and these tissues were embedded 
in  Frozen section compound (w/blue dye). The formulation seems to be a bit 
different judging from the MSDS.
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