My sincere apologies...I left the HTML option on, for the 1st post.

I would immediately bisect them longitudinally with a sharp blade, then 
continue to fix for at least two days ( length of fixation time is irrelevant 
for anatomical purposes).
You should have done much earlier ( sure, you run the risk of loss of 
anatomical relationships but.....I can't see what choice you have, given the 
size of the tissues.
I am always interested in others' views.
Yes and, fix on a rocker roller at RT.
A faster penetration fixing fluid would have been would have to 
test a few, under your conditions.
NB: Formalin penetrates a 1cm cube of gelatin 250mm in 24hrs so, penetration 
through a dense heterogeneous tissue, especially the initital penetration of 
the T albuginea, will be much slower, allowing for autolytic ( necrotic, 
really, as the tissue is dead) changes towards the centre of the tissue.

Best wishes,


Carl Hobbs FIBMS
Histology and Imaging Manager
Wolfson CARD
Guys Campus, London Bridge 
Kings College London

020 7848 6813

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