I think all of these you listed are solid instruments. I am building a lab now, 
so recently had to pick instruments myself and would have liked to have had 
these options! From your list I would personally pick the Prisma and Bond Max , 
just on my personal experiences. I have a Leica ST5020 now, and while it is a 
good stainer, I hate the clips with the  older model I have.  
Consider if you will use  glass or tape coverslipping, the multi-stainer glass 
coverslipper that goes with it is high maintenance, though it works fine when 
it works. I personally think the  Prisma is great, has super throughput, nice 
staining. But used to only have tape coverslipping, but may have glass 
coverslips availible now-if that is a requirement of your pathologists. So 
check into that.
The need for a very open IHC platform ( considering if you do research v. 
clinical, use mostly concentrated v. prediluted antibodies, the training level 
of the staff, and your throughput needs as considerations;  for example) may 
help in your choice. The DAKO is awesome , but check whether it still needs 
more off line pretreatment steps. This adds to the tech time, which might 
matter considering your staffing and volumes. The staining is fantastic if you 
can work with it and have staffing and your volumes are managable. 
The Bond does all steps in automated runs, if you wish; I personally consider 
it middle ground in terms of "open-ness" somewhere between Ventana and Dako 
autostainer of years ago. The Bond is a super instrument in my opinion for the 
right lab situation. I use one now, and it works for me ( I do RTU and a fair 
number of concentrates) and a good number if ISH probes, and do all the tech 
work myself.  I value the fast TAT  with consistent staining-it does the job I 
need it to do.   
Good luck

Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
> From: haley.hugg...@dignityhealth.org
> To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:46:00 -0700
> Subject: [Histonet] Equipment selection
> Hi all,
> I am trying to decide on what equipment to purchase. I have picked the 
> processor, microtomes, embedding centers and a few other pieces, but now I 
> still need to decide on the H&E Stainer and the immunostainer. My options I 
> have in front of me are for the H&E stainer are Sakura Prisma stainer/film 
> coverslipper and the Leica ST5020-CV5030 stainer/glass coverslipper. For the 
> Immunostainer, I am looking at the Dako Autostainer and the Leica Bond Max. 
> Any advice on any of these instruments would be greatly appreciated. I am 
> trying to finalize my decision pretty quickly. Thank you in advance for any 
> input.
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