Hi All,

                I need help with two issues. I have a researcher who is sending 
us porcine skin, about 2mm x 2mm x 1mm tall.

Issue 1: There is a lesion in the center, and although he wants the skin 
sectioned through the lesion eventually, he says if he bisects the chunk of 
skin before fixation, the lesion becomes distorted. So, he is fixing them in 
the 2x2x1 chunks, and the 10% formalin (and subsequent processing reagents) are 
not penetrating. Does anyone know of either a more penetrating fixative or a 
less distorting one so we can bisect the skin before fixation?

Issue 2: Even on smaller sections that fixed and processed well, we are having 
issues with the porcine skin sections staying on the slides. We use Superfrost 
Plus slides, drain them, air dry them overnight, and then they go on the "Extra 
Oven" program on the stainer. (25 minutes in the oven.) Any suggestions on 
other slides, drying techniques to try?

My background is that of a certified Histologist for 30 years, with experience 
in many labs in various parts of the country. This research project has me 

Thanks for your help!


UW Madison

School of Veterinary Medicine

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