do u see this question posted?



--------  Original Message --------<= br>
Subject: [Histonet] RE:
   Submitting Questions
From: Martha Ward-= Pathology <[1]<= /a>>
Date: Tue, September 24, 2013 12:54 pm
To:  "Nails,  Felt=  on" <[2]flnails@texaschildren=>, 'Joanne
<[3]=>, "[4]"

I have had the same problem over the past few months...
&n= bsp;
Martha Ward, MT (ASCP) QIHC

Molecular= Diagnostics Lab
Medical Center Boulevard  \  Winston-Salem= , NC 27157
p 336.716.2109  \  f 336.716.5890
<= a href="";>





-----Original Message----= -
From:         [6]=
   [[7]mailto:histonet-bounces@lists.utsouthweste=]  On Behalf Of
   Nails, Felton
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2= 013 2:58 PM
To: 'Joanne Clark'; [8]
Subject: [Histo= net] RE: Submitting Questions

I am in the same situation??? 

-----Original Message-----
From:  [9]histonet-bounces@lists.utsouthwestern.=  edu  [[10]mailt]   On   Behalf  Of  Joanne
   Clark<= br>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 12:54 PM
To:      [11]<=     br>
   [Histonet] Submitting Questions

Can  anyone  out  =  in  histoland  explain  to me why my submitted
   questions  are  not  making  it  thr=  ough to histonet? I submitted a
   question  on  the  19th  of  September, and I s= till have not seen it
   appear  in  the group emails I get daily. I sent the q= uestion to the
   correct  address  (I  checked  it  to  be  sure).  When I respond t= o
   someones question, I can see my responses, I just can't seem to get an
   or=  iginal  question  submitted.  Can  anyone tell me what I am doing




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[13] man/listinfo/histonet

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Histonet mailing list
[14]Histonet@lists.utsouthwestern= .edu


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[17] ilman/listinfo/histonet



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