
You will definitely want to consider using plastic media like methyl 
methacrylate (MMA). It will cause less shrinkage in the tissue during 
polymerization, you can still cut at a range of 4-12 microns using a rotary 
microtome and tungsten-carbide knife, any mineralization present in the tissue 
will infiltrate and polymerize well allowing for enhanced stabilization of 
tissue and section morphology throughout microtomy, and you can even deplastify 
the sections with certain MMA formulations to increase staining options.

Please let me know if you do wish to continue with plastic media as I have 
helped many labs to get started with and/or to refine their current 
capabilities with MMA. Additionally, I would like to point out that I Chair the 
Hard Tissue Committee (HTC) for the National Society for Histotechnology (NSH). 
Membership with the NSH has several benefits that could also help you to move 
forward with your project at your own pace. For example, as a member you will 
have access to all archived publications of the Journal of Histotechnology 
(JOH). With this access to the JOH via Manny Publishing, the HTC has created a 
reference document that collates all relevant publications (1970's to present) 
that pertain to bone, biomaterials, medical device implants, resin histology, 
etc., so that one can easily locate and obtain publication information relevant 
to their niche specific needs. Rest assured that I will be happy to help you 
either way you choose to move forward.

Best Regards,


On Sep 23, 2013, at 9:19 PM, Rui TAHARA <> wrote:

> I have undecalcified paraffin embed samples
> that were sectioned at 10 micron that I want to stain with Von kossa. Because
> samples are embryonic quail heads (ossification starts to happen) and still
> soft enough to section with standard rotary microtome with tungsten knife in 
> paraffin.
> My intention is to 3D reconstruct anatomies
> based on histological sections. Because of this, I am wondering if I should 
> actually
> use plastic media rather than paraffin to keep the section shape as consistent
> as possible. Does plastic embed material actually preserve the consistent 
> shape
> among sections better than paraffin embed sample? No winkle etc..? Is there 
> any
> other advantage that I actually should use the plastic media than paraffin 
> for what
> I want to do? I know downside of plastic media is that in general plastic
> embedding process are lengthy and plastic embedding material are expensive 
> than
> the paraffin ones, and are mainly use for bone to support the hard material 
> for
> sectioning. 
> When I sectioned some ossified samples, beak
> start to fall off from section and the section show the lines from the 
> possibly
> scratched knife. Is this indication of paraffin media that does not provide 
> enough
> strength for sectioning? I thought it may possibly the poor infiltration. 
> In our lab nobody has processed the plastic
> embedding and sectioning (we have only standard microtome, no vaccum machine. 
> Can
> I section plastic embed sample with the standard microtome at 10 micron?) so 
> I would
> like to have any input before actually making a plastic embed sample. Any
> suggestions would be appreciated. 
> Biology Department 
> McGill University
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