
Jennifer Mac provided the best answer as to why they should not use it.  
Apparently "because I said so" isn't working.  Maybe give them the "Mom-look" 
when saying it?

Seriously, they have other options if they want to freeze the samples quicker. 
We always had a dewar with liquid nitrogen in our grossing room available for 
doing snap freezing. A quick dunk in that should do the trick. You can bring in 
some dry ice and that might work as well. Quicker than slow freezing in the 
cryostat, but not as quick as snap freezing.

Newer cryostats have a quick freeze platform with peltier cooling, so updating 
an old cryostat for safety reasons might be another option.

Teri Johnson
Manager, Histology
Genomics Institute for
Novartis Research
San Diego, CA

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